Saturday, 26 October 2013

[fripSide] 悲しい星座

運命(うんめい) というものが この()にあるならば
ふたり 出会(であ)ったこと
これこそが 運命(うんめい)()べるだろう

出会(であ)った(ころ) あなたは わたしに こう()った
(きみ)()つけたとき (だれ)よりも(かがや)いてみえた

いくつもの(ゆめ)()いて ()をとり (はげ)まし()った日々(ひび)
(ばな)(ばな)れになることは この(さき)ないと(おも)ってた

この()()きる(よろこ)びに あなたと出会(であ)ってわたしは
(はだ) (こころ) ()づいたの ()ごした(とき)(なか)

(あい)()かつものはないと (うたが)いもせずに ()きてた
()()うふたり まるで(とお) (ひか)星座(せいざ)のように

(わか)れは突然(とつぜん) ふたりを()()いた
()ばす () もう二度(にど)えることないと ってた

()()(こころ)を失くした わたしはまた ひとりになった
(とど)くはずのない手紙(てがみ) 何度(なんど)()(つづ)っている

やるせない(いく)つもの(よる) (なみだ)こらえ 見送(みおく)った
()いたい(・・・) つぶやいた言葉(ことば) 夜空(よぞら)(ただよ)ってる

ひとりの日々(ひび)に向き合った 寂しさは数え切れず
いつか いつの()()えると (しん)今日(きょう)も生きてる

あなたとの日々(ひび)(おも)って わたしは()らしてきたけれど
これが最後(さいご)手紙(てがみ)だと (こころ)() ペンをとった

ふたりの日々(ひび)に分け()った (いた) (よろこ) 大事(だいじ)
この両手(りょうて)いっぱいに()いて わたしは (いま) 旅立(たびだ)

(いのち)()(かえ)すのなら どんな(ちい)さな(あかし)
わたしが()つけてみせるの 運命(うんめい)(しん)じてる

はぐれたふたつの(いのち) 今日(きょう)再会(さいかい)(ねが)って

この(ひろ)(そら) (またた) (きらめ) 星座となる

English Translation

"Sorrowful Constellation"

If there is such a thing as fate in this world then,
The two of us meeting,
You’d also be able to call it fate

You told me this when we first met,
When I found you, you were shining more brightly than anyone else

Drawing out so many dreams, taking each other’s hand, encouraging each other daily
Until now, I had never thought that we would drift apart

Meeting you was the joy of living in this world
In my skin, in my heart, I’ve realized it from the times that have passed

There is nothing that will separate love, I lived without any doubt
The two of us cuddling as if we were a faraway shining constellation

Farewell abruptly tore the two of us apart
Reaching out my hand but it will never again be able to touch you, I knew that

I lost the heart that was accompanying me; I’ve become all alone once again
The letter that will never be received, I re-write it over and over again

Heart-wrenchingly how many nights have I spent holding back my tears?
I miss you…my muttered words float around in the night sky

Going back to the days of being alone, the loneliness is immeasurable
Someday, one day, I’ll meet you again, it’s the believe that I’m living for

Thinking of your days, I was able to live, but
This is the last letter; I made up my mind when I took hold of the pen

 The days we were together, we shared pains, joys, and important things
These two hands are filled with so much, I will depart now

If fate will repeat itself, then no matter how small a proof,
I’ll show you that I can find it, I believe in fate

Two stray lives, even now I’m wishing we’ll meet again

In this vast sky we’ll become twinkling, sparkling constellations 

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