Monday, 28 October 2013

[Blu-BiLLioN] 繋いだ手

ねぇ そんなとこいないでさ


一人(ひとり)ができることなんて ちっぽけでたかが()れてるけど
()()()べるその勇気(ゆうき)で (すく)われる(ひと)がいることや(すく)われる(よろこ)びも

(だれ)かの(かな)しい今日(きょう)を (だれ)かの(つら)明日(あした)を (すく)うためにあるんだろ?

さぁ()(つな)ごう (ぼく)たちは(ひと)つだよ
(ぼく)らは人に 自分以外(じぶんいがい)(だれ)かに(あい)()けられる

(つら)()たった()もあった それなのに(ぼく)(あい)してくれた
友達(ともだち)だってそうだった 喧嘩(けんか)して(はな)れてしまっても

(だれ)かの(やさ)しさで (だれ)かの愛情(あいじょう)()たされていたことを

()()ばして()()ってよ 精一杯(せいいっぱい)のこの(あい)

さぁ()(つな)ごう (ぼく)たちは(ひと)つだよ
()()ばして()()ってよ 精一杯(せいいっぱい)のこの(あい)

English Translation

"Holding Hands"

Hey, don’t just stay standing there
It’s okay to take hold of this hand
We aren’t alone

“Today in the world again people got sick, went hungry, and died”
Since when did I start pretending not to hear that sort of news?
If someone nearby collapses, of course you’ll help them, right?
If someone far away collapses, what will you do?

The things that one person can do alone, are no more than small things, I know but
If you gather them together one-by-one they’ll turn into a great power, you knew that right?
Reach out you hand with courage, people will be saved and happiness will also be saved

Your hands aren’t there to be used to cover-up your ears so you can’t hear, are they?
They are there to save someone from sadness today, to save someone from pain tomorrow, aren’t they?

Come, let’s join hands, we are one
Even in dark places, if that hand is there we can walk without hesitation
Because in doing so, we know the warmth of that hand
We can divide our love to other people besides ourselves

My mother who always said to me “You must be a kind”,
Even she had faced painful days, but still she gave me love
It was even true for my friends, even if we fought and broke-up
“Sorry”, we apologized sincerely and in the end we are still by each other’s side

When I became an adult I noticed
Up until now that outstretched hand
It was full of someone’s kindness and someone’s love

“Thank you”, I’ll tell them while embracing with both arms
I want to give even more love than I received
Reach out your hand and receive the utmost of this love
Someday I’ll definitely come again, so until good-bye,
Hold on to this hand

Come, let’s join hands, we are one
Even in dark places, if that hand is there we can walk without hesitation
“Thank you”, I’ll tell them while embracing with both arms
I want to give even more love than I received
Reach out your hand and receive the utmost of this love
Someday God will come and pick us up, until that day,
Don’t let go of this hand

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