Tuesday, 29 October 2013

[Yeti] Picasso

作詞: 涼木 聡 
作曲: 涼木

()きたくても ()したくても
()えなくても (わす)れたくても
()えぬように ()けぬように
()えぬように ()えるように

()せたいのに ()じたまま
()れたいのに ()れたまま
()せたいのに ()ちたまま
()きたいのに ()けないのに

深緑(ふかみどり) 青紫(あおむらさき) 小麦色(こむぎいろ) (はだ)(いろ)
()きたいから ()めたいのに
()りたいから ()きたいのに

(つた)(なが)(いと) ()途端(とたん) (いた)みと()した
(もど)過程(かてい) (やく)もなく(おし)えて

哲学(てつがく)理論(りろん) せめてもの()らし()わせ
()()()足取(あしど)り 禅問答(ぜんもんどう)したとして

()せたいのに ()じたまま
()れたいのに ()れたまま
()せたいのに ()ちたまま
()きたいのに ()けないのに

()きたくても ()したくても
()えなくても (わす)れたくても
()えぬように ()けぬように
()えぬように ()えるように

(つた)(なが)(いと) ()途端(とたん) (いた)みと()した
(もど)過程(かてい) (やく)もなく(おし)えて

哲学(てつがく)理論(りろん) せめてもの()らし()わせ
()()()足取(あしど)り 禅問答(ぜんもんどう)したとして

(哲学(てつがく)理論(りろん) せめてもの()らし()わせ)

哲学(てつがく)理論(りろん) せめてもの()らし()わせ
()()()足取(あしど)り 禅問答(ぜんもんどう)したとして


English Translation

Even if I want to pull, Even if I want to move
Even if I can’t see, Even if I want to forget
In order to not go over, In order to not be outdone
In order to be speechless, In order to disappear

I wanted to see but it remained closed
I wanted to touch but it remained withered
I wanted to ride but I kept falling
I wanted to write but I couldn’t write

Dark green, violet blue, light brown, skin colour
Because I wanted to cry, so I stopped
Because I wanted to know, so I asked

A long streaming thread, as soon as you start to unravel it, it turns into pain
Please tell me voluntarily how to reverse the process

Philosophy and theories, brings the most trivial things to light
I mean it’s like they want to spit everything out and leave nothing
The increasing footsteps of followers, as if I had made a Zen Riddle
“It’s no big deal” is what I’m saying
Not to mention the over lapping of aesthetics and aesthesia
I mean it’s like they want to spit everything out and leave nothing
And so because from in front their eyes I painted followers
 “I’m human too” is what I’m saying

I wanted to see but it remained closed
I wanted to touch but it remained withered
I wanted to ride but I kept falling
I wanted to write but I couldn’t write

Even if I want to pull, Even if I want to move
Even if I can’t see, Even if I want to forget
In order to not go over, In order to not be outdone
In order to be speechless, In order to disappear

A long streaming thread, as soon as you start to unravel it, it turns into pain
Please tell me voluntarily how to reverse the process

Philosophy and theories, brings the most trivial things to light
I mean it’s like they want to spit everything out and leave nothing
The increasing footsteps of followers, as if I had made a Zen Riddle
“It’s no big deal” is what I’m saying
Not to mention the over lapping of aesthetics and aesthesia
I mean it’s like they want to spit everything out and leave nothing
And so because from in front their eyes I painted followers
 “I’m human too” is what I’m saying

(Philosophy and theories, brings the most trivial things to light)
(Not to mention the over lapping of aesthetics and aesthesia)

Philosophy and theories, brings the most trivial things to light
I mean it’s like they want to spit everything out and leave nothing
The increasing footsteps of followers, as if I had made a Zen Riddle
“It’s no big deal” is what I’m saying
Not to mention the over lapping of aesthetics and aesthesia
I mean it’s like they want to spit everything out and leave nothing
And so because from in front their eyes I painted followers
“I’m human too” is what I’m saying

“It’s no big deal” is what I’m saying