Monday, 30 September 2013

[AUBE] 冬空

Lyrics / 作詞海斗
Composition / 作曲優一



白銀(はくぎん)(はな) ()のひらに()()



白銀(はくぎん)(はな) ()のひらに()()

ただもう一度(いちど) もう一度(いちど)だけ
あなたに()いたくて ()いたくて


白銀(はくぎん)(はな) ()のひらに()()


English Translation

"Winter Sky"
A ring that seems like it can be found anywhere,
You seem to be looking at it happily
I awkwardly tell you first words
The shine of the pure silver lights the two of us

Where are you?
Winter has come this far already

The silvery white flower flutters down into the palm of my hand
Immediately the snow melts into tears
The loneliness still won’t disappear, will it?
The ephemeral glowing memories
This ring that has no breaks in it,
I wish the sky would be eternal like it
I’ll meet you again in the next life
Just for a little while,
Goodbye until then

That day our smiles alone
Were packed into that ring box
I thought using it was somehow useless
Now only our single ring remains

Disappearing on your own
Being alone,
It’s really lonely

The silvery white flower flutters down into the palm of my hand
Immediately the snow melts into tears
The loneliness still won’t disappear, will it?
The ephemeral glowing memories
This ring that has no breaks in it,
I wish the sky would be eternal like it
I’ll meet you again in the next life
Just for a little while,
Goodbye until then

Even just for a short time is fine, so
Please come back to life
Just one more time, one more time only
I want to see you, I miss you

I miss you, I miss you
I miss you, I miss you
I miss you, I miss you
I look at the ring
I miss you, I miss you
Even in my dreams
I want to see you

The silvery white flower flutters down into the palm of my hand
Immediately the snow melts into tears
The loneliness still won’t disappear, will it?
The ephemeral glowing memories
This ring that has no breaks in it,
I wish the sky would be eternal like it
I’ll meet you again in the next life
Just for a little while,
Goodbye until then

Sunday, 29 September 2013

[ダウト D=OUT] 感電18号


毎度(まいど)馴染(なじ)落陽(らくよう) 今日(きょう)自分(じぶん)(あま)やかせ
()かず()ばずな日々(ひび)でした 現実(げんじつ)(ゆめ)をたいらげる
()けてたまるか東京(とうきょう) あれよあれよと()まっては
(だれ)()から()てもまさに ()()いたような(まよ)(ねこ)

()まるべきか田舎(いなか)(かえ)るべきか ()たって(くだ)けろ(いま)こそ(がけ)っぷち
()れる(おも)いと(とも)に眩しく()いた 可憐(かれん)一輪(いちりん)(はな)


(かぜ)便(たよ)りによるならば 意中(いちゅう)(ひと)がいるらしい
何処(どこ)(だれ)かは()らないが (おのれ)()けた横恋慕(よこれんぼ)

(おさ)えるべきか気持(きも)(つた)えるべきか ()たって(くだ)けろ(いま)こそ漢意気(おとこいき)
()くだけ野暮(やぼ)ねだけど(ぼく)からすれば 絶世(ぜっせい)(あま)果実(かじつ)


有頂天街道(うちょうてんかいどう) まっただ(なか)です
もう、(ねが)ったりで (かな)ったりで、(まい)ったなこりゃこりゃ



青春街道(せいしゅんかいどう) まっしぐらです

(いま)感電(かんでん)18(ごう) 一旗(ひとはた)あげてみましょうか さぁ!

English Translation

"Electric Shock No.18"
The always familiar sunset today also indulges itself again
It was a day that remained unnoticed, reality swallowed fantasy
Being swept away by the undefeatable Tokyo,
Even by anyone’s standards, looks like a stray cat painted in a picture

Should I stay or should I go back to the country side? Take a chance, now is the moment
With wavering thoughts it bloomed dazzlingly, a single beautiful flower

Ah~ biribiri~ biribiri~ biribiri~ it came, so
Full speed along the highway of youth, I wonder?
Hey, what is this? Is this love? I don’t know but,
I’m electric shock no. 18

If according to rumours there seems to be someone on my mind
You don't know who or where but, you bet yourselves it's forbidden love

Should I suppress my feelings or convey my feelings? Take a chance, now is the time to be a man
Just ask her I'm unrefined, but will you turn me into an unmatchable sweet fruit

Ah~ biribiri~ biribiri~ biribiri~ it came, so
By your judgement it would be great if it came true
This good-for-nothing, miscreant, incessant thing but,
I’m electric shock no. 18

But if it rings chiriririn~ chiriririn~ chiriririn~
It's the height of the happiness highway
Al'right, wishing for it coming true, I give up well well
Just do whatever you want

No matter the age, eighteen is forever,
Youth is something you want to enjoy while learning

Ah~ biribiri~ biribiri~ biribiri~ biribiri~
Ah~ biribiri~ biribiri~ biribiri~ biribiri~

Ah~ biribiri~ biribiri~ biribiri~ it came so
It's full speed along the highway of youth
However, vain, obstinate, showcase me
Will still be electric shock no.18, try leave a mark on the world, come on!

- "biribiri" as in an electric shock
- "chiriririn" as in a phone ringing

Saturday, 28 September 2013

[Blue Planet Japan] ひとつだけ~We Are The One~

歌詞 / Lyrics:夕霧(DaizyStripper
歌曲/ Music:風弥~KAZAMI~(DaizyStripper)&Rookie Fiddler(A)

(とお)(そら)へ (いの)りを()めながら


ひとつだけ (あお)地球(ちきゅう)
ひとつだけ (かがや)生命(いのち)
()(つな)ぎ 約束(やくそく)(うた)おう
La La La La
We Are The One

(Joy to the World)
(Take our Hands)
(Joy to the World)
(We Are The One)


もう一度(いちど) この地球(ちきゅう)
(うつく)しく (かがや)くように
何度(なんど)でも ()()()べるよ
La La La La
We Are The One

(Joy to the World)
(Take our Hands)
(Joy to the World)
(We Are The One)

一粒(ひとつぶ)の (なみだ)より
一輪(いちりん)の 笑顔(えがお)(はな)
()いていて いつまでも

ひとつだけ (あお)地球(ちきゅう)
ひとつだけ (かがや)生命(いのち)
()(つな)ぎ 約束(やくそく)(うた)おう
La La La La
We Are The One

ひとつだけ (あお)地球(ちきゅう)
ひとつだけ (かがや)生命(せいめい)
()(つな)ぎ 約束(やくそく)(うた)おう
La La La La
We Are The One



English Translation
There’s only one thing that we can do now
(Try to pause and look up)
(The never changing sun)
While praying to the distant sky
(As the sun repeatedly rises)
(Continue to sing forever)

If a flower full of hope blooms,
Remember the important things

There’s only one on this blue planet,
There’s only one life shining
Let’s join hands and sing a promise
La La La La
We Are The One

No matter how many years we see go by,
We’ll be holding hands all the way
(Joy to the World) 
(Take our Hands) 
There was someone smiling
And no matter what we’ll keep trying to be like them
(Joy to the World) 
(We Are The One) 

I cannot express the things that we met today but,
Don’t forget the joy of being alive

Once again, (until) this planet is
Beautifully shinning
No matter how many times, reach out your hands
La La La La
We Are The One

(Joy to the World) 
(Take our Hands) 
(Joy to the World) 
(We Are The One) 

From just one single teardrop
Just one flower of a smile
Blooming forever
Further than forever

There’s only one on this blue planet,
There’s only one life shining
Let’s join hands and sing a promise
La La La La
We Are The One

There’s only one on this blue planet,
There’s only one life shining
Let’s join hands and sing a promise
La La La La
We Are The One

In this sky let’s sing a promise

I’ll forever be by your side